Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The day has come to an end and I will soon be crawling into bed to have a snuggle fest with my pillows. Today was kind of uneventful. I did learn something new, though: how to clean an oven. Derek and I are transferring to a different apartment because our current one wreaks of cigarette smoke. Neither of us are smokers, so it really bothers us; we've been suffering from headaches and sinus crap. Boo. Anywhoo, like I said we're transferring to a different unit. We have to clean our "old" apartment, and because I can see the potential for procrastination, I decided to go ahead and tackle some of the bigger tasks before the big move this weekend. So today I cleaned the oven. Yikes. We've only been in this place for six months- how on earth did we manage to gunk up the oven that much? I was having quite a bit of trouble using regular cleaner spray and scrubber. Thank god for Google, otherwise I'd probably still be at it. The key is baking soda and vinegar. Put some hot water on the dirt and stuff and then sprinkle with baking soda. Let it sit for a bit, then put some vinegar on it (yes, this will create that cool chemical reaction that we learned about in elementary school), then use a scouring sponge. Much better. Apparently if you let the baking soda sit for a few hours, add the vinegar and let that sit for about and hour stuff will just wipe off. I didn't want to wait that long (I like doing things the hard way sometimes; don't judge me, it builds character). Now we have sparkling oven, yay. 
Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!

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