Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Checking In

Hello Blogishpere! I've been on radio silence for a while, my apologies. Things have been cuh-ray-zee busy around here. I've been working part time, which doesn't sound like much but when you're on your feet for four or fives hours it's nice to come home and prop your feet up and do nothing for a bit. Then to make things more interesting, school started last week! I'm so glad, I really missed being a college student. I'm taking some super heavy-hitter classes this semester, including an 8-week math class. Math and me go together like sandpaper and bare butt (like how I used a quote from "Definitely, Maybe"?). I failed this class about a year ago, but it wasn't accelerated. So this year, I am determined to get through the class- with my sanity in tact, if possible. 
Ooh! I have more good news: I got a new car!!! It's so pretty and shiny and new and I love it. It's a 2002 Toyota Highlander Limited. Limited means tricked out. I'll post pics soon (my camera has been acting funny, otherwise I'd have a whole photo shoot devoted to my new ride). 
Okay, I just got back from doing some studying at school so I'm tired and ready to settle in with the hubby to watch "Mad Men". Hope you all are having a good week!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Monday

Hey all! (Whoever "all" is; I don't think anyone is actually reading this blog, haha)
This past weekend was a busy one, and now it's time to get into Monday. I'm wiped out. I went to bed at 9:30 last night and I'm still exhausted. 
Derek and I transferred to a different apartment over the weekend. We're still in the same complex, just a new unit. The old one wreaked of cigarette smoke, so we have moved into a newer, cleaner spot. The new place has the same layout as the old one, but it's reversed. So I'm not sure if I want to keep all the furniture and decor in the same places or shift things around... I don't know, we'll see.
One thing I did learn through this whole thing is that I hate moving. Packing is tedious. Moving stuff is hard, and unpacking is no fun. But thankfully we had lots of help so things went quickly. Plus we only moved three doors down-literally. I can't imagine what it will be like when we move to a house. Yikes. However, I feel like I'm ready for a house. Like I'm ready to find a little place that we can settle into and make our own. *Sigh* someday...
I will try to post later about something food related. Once I make my way through the maze of boxes and crap :(

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The day has come to an end and I will soon be crawling into bed to have a snuggle fest with my pillows. Today was kind of uneventful. I did learn something new, though: how to clean an oven. Derek and I are transferring to a different apartment because our current one wreaks of cigarette smoke. Neither of us are smokers, so it really bothers us; we've been suffering from headaches and sinus crap. Boo. Anywhoo, like I said we're transferring to a different unit. We have to clean our "old" apartment, and because I can see the potential for procrastination, I decided to go ahead and tackle some of the bigger tasks before the big move this weekend. So today I cleaned the oven. Yikes. We've only been in this place for six months- how on earth did we manage to gunk up the oven that much? I was having quite a bit of trouble using regular cleaner spray and scrubber. Thank god for Google, otherwise I'd probably still be at it. The key is baking soda and vinegar. Put some hot water on the dirt and stuff and then sprinkle with baking soda. Let it sit for a bit, then put some vinegar on it (yes, this will create that cool chemical reaction that we learned about in elementary school), then use a scouring sponge. Much better. Apparently if you let the baking soda sit for a few hours, add the vinegar and let that sit for about and hour stuff will just wipe off. I didn't want to wait that long (I like doing things the hard way sometimes; don't judge me, it builds character). Now we have sparkling oven, yay. 
Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PJ Party

Hello all. Hope that you had a terrific Tuesday (I know that's corny). Today was a nice day. I slept horribly last night, so I was a complete zombie all morning. Just ask my husband, Derek- he left me in shlumped heap on the couch; bless his heart, he's always sweet enough to make me coffee before he heads off for work. So anyways, I sipped on coffee and watched "30 Rock" until it was time for me to get ready for work. After work, I went to visit my grandma; she's had shingles for the past couple of weeks and been kinda stuck at home, so I thought I'd bring her some chocolate to cheer her up. I came home and made dinner for the hubby and I (grilled Portobello's with Parmesan risotto). Now Derek's at a bible study, and I'm settling in for a solo p.j. party, complete with a Margarita and a cheesy chick flick. Just what the doctor ordered :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Munchie Mondays

I am officially instating Munchie Mondays, in which I will post about all things munch-able. Tonight I'm making spaghetti with a lemon and olive oil sauce, topped with red and yellow bell peppers, and black olives. Very yummy. I decided to try something I've never done before- roasting peppers in the oven, then peeling the skin off of them. It works! I always thought it was something that only worked for the professional chefs on TV, but real people can do it too. The roasting gives the peppers a great flavor. Here's how it's done:

- Preheat oven to 400.
- Wash peppers.
- Drizzle olive oil in oven-safe pan. Place peppers in pan, making sure that all sides of the peppers have oil on them.
- Put peppers in the oven for about 10 minutes. Sizzling and browning is a good thing.
- After you take the pan of peppers out of the oven, immediately place the peppers in a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. 
- Let the peppers cool, about 10 minutes.
- Once the peppers are cool enough to touch, peel the skin off. If it's a little difficult, try running them under cold water.
- Voila!