Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pregnancy 101

If anyone gives a hoot about my blog and is reading this post, I am giving you fair warning- I am about to unleash my feelings about being pregnant. However, since you all are such good sports I will make sure to end this semi rant fest with some really good news.
Let me preface by saying that so far over these past five months I have enjoyed seeing what seeing what God designed my body to do in order to grow a person. As I've read about and seen what is actually going on inside of me I am amazed at how intricate it all is, and to think that since I was being created in my mother's womb, I have always possessed the ability to "sustain life" (yes I did intend to make it sound like I'm a planet; I feel like one right now). It's very cool.
However, I cannot ignore the fact that growing a person is really, really hard work. Most days I'm just trying to make it until bedtime, even though I know I won't be getting much sleep. I have plenty of meltdowns (I'm not ashamed to admit it), but otherwise I just try to find the humor in the all the things that have transpired from being preggers. I figured since it's 5a.m. and I'm awake, I might as well share some of them...
Pregnancy 101:
- Morning sickness is the worst thing. Ever.
- If you have never had morning sickness, do not tell a pregnant person who is coping with it/ has had it. You might get hurt.
- Cravings are instinctual and cannot be denied. My husband can attest to this one.
- Being pregnant means you are going to feel really uncomfortable and not even know why. It's great.
- When people find out that you are pregnant sometimes they shut down their mental filter and say crazy and sometimes unkind things to you. ("Yes I do know that my butt is getting bigger...") When this happens, you will have an inexplicable desire to punch them in the face, but you will have to resist.
- You will fart a lot.
- Pregnancy Brain is the temporary version of Alzheimer's. You will feel very stupid, very often.
- Your baby bump is public property.
I had more but I can't remember them. Stupid Pregnancy Brain...
Okay, now time for the good news. We found out what the baby is! Besides being human, it's... (insert drum roll)
                                                                            A BOY!!!
Say hello to Tobias Edward Carlson. We call him Toby.
We can't wait to meet this little guy :)


  1. Awww sissy I read your blogs!I just love being nosey and peering into your life :-P plus your funny. I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable, but Toby will be here soon!!!! Love you!

  2. I love reading your blog :)

    Can't wait to meet Toby!
