Thursday, March 8, 2012

Getting Organized

I've neglected my blog! Boo. I really have been wanting to post, because so much has happened, but I just can't seem to get myself organized enough. What has happened, you ask?A lot! 
I'm still growing a person. Baby Toby is getting closer to living outside me; we'll be starting week 30 next week. I realized this the other day and it sent me into a bit of a panic- there's so much we have to do get ready for baby! Oh did I also mention that we moved? 
Yep, Derek and I moved into a rental house ( a huge blessing) so we have tons more room. Four bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms more room to be exact. We're mostly settled, but there are few projects that I really want to complete before our little guy gets here. 
So today, I'm taking a vow of organization. I'm going to go around each room and make a list of the things that I want to see happen to that room to make it feel more homey/organized. Some of these things will be stuff that can happen over time, like there's no rush to get it done. Other things will take top priority; in other words, nesting mama must get it done! This sounds like a reasonable way to become organized, but it also sounds daunting. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting organized?
I also have pictures of recent projects that need to be shared with you all. That's going on my to do list as well. All this and more will be done today.
Just as soon as I finish my coffee...

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