Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Just One of Those Days...

Since I'm pretty much convinced that nobody reads my blog, I'm going to abuse my power and use the blog as a sort of "journal" today. Not that I'm complaining, or whining. Just sayin'. 
Today has just been one of those days. It's overcast and windy outside, and I got almost no sleep last night. Being pregnant does strange things to one's body, and if one is already an insomniac... well, you get the picture. 
So I awoke today knowing that I would be presented with the initial challenge of just trying to stay awake all day. Coffee helped a bit, and talking to my dear mommy added even more pep to my step. Then I went to work. (Que sinister laugh)
For those of you who have ever worked in food service for more than a week will understand me when I say that there are some days when you want to come home and cry. Not because you are upset at any particular person or event, just that crying might help get the madness of the day out of your system. That was my day. 
(Vent alert) I really think there should be laws about how many delivery and catering orders a restaurant can legally accept in a day. Also, please remember to tip your server next time you eat out, no matter how simple the service- that is how they pay their rent.
Okay, I feel a little better.
My one creative consolation is a little project I've been working on. A friend of mine is having a baby shower this weekend and in the spirit of industrial homemaking gifting I decided to make baby leg warmers for the soon-to-be-existent little one. I've already finished one, just a few more rows to knit on the second one. Let's see if I get these things finished by Saturday morning...
Thank you to whoever has stumbled upon my temporary emotional outlet. I promise I won't use my blog for this all the time.

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