Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Green Smoothies, Big Belly's, and Changes...

I'm really tired today, so I apologize now if I ramble. Being 37 weeks pregnant will do that to a person. Can you believe it- 37 weeks!!! Baby Boy can come whenever he wants now. Crazy. But I'm really excited to meet this little guy, and very ready to not be pregnant anymore. Not that it's a horrible experience, it's just not easy either. I'm used to being a smallish person, so hurdling a big belly around is quite the paradigm shift. 
Oh, and to make things interesting, my midwife called yesterday to inform me that I tested positive for Group B Strep- great. It's not a terrible thing, but it does mean that I need do all that I can to try to clear it up before Baby makes his debut in order for us to have the home water birth we've been planning. So today, to start things off I downed an insane amount of pills and supplement, chased by what I'm calling the Mega Green Smoothie. Here's what I put in it:

The Mega Green Smoothie
Fresh juiced Kale, Spinach, and Green Apple
Frozen Fruit blend (strawberries, papaya, pineapple)
Spirulina Powder
Liquid Chlorophyll

it actually didn't taste that bad. Just very healthy. So if anyone reads this and thinks of it, please be praying that my next culture comes back negative, and that the baby doesn't decide to show up before that!
So, as we all know, I'm a horrible blogger. I never post, and I'm even worse at posting pictures. Boo. However, with the next phase of my life right around the corner, I'm considering starting a new blog, something that reflects the "new" me. So without further ado, I give you a sneak peak at The Urban Hippy MommaIt's still a work in progress, but I'm really excited about it. I think I might actually keep up with this blog. It'll be more in line with what my life will consist of: cooking, DIY-ing, health stuff, and my experience as a new momma.
Okay, time to do some laundry. Hope all is well with everyone. Hugs!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Getting Organized

I've neglected my blog! Boo. I really have been wanting to post, because so much has happened, but I just can't seem to get myself organized enough. What has happened, you ask?A lot! 
I'm still growing a person. Baby Toby is getting closer to living outside me; we'll be starting week 30 next week. I realized this the other day and it sent me into a bit of a panic- there's so much we have to do get ready for baby! Oh did I also mention that we moved? 
Yep, Derek and I moved into a rental house ( a huge blessing) so we have tons more room. Four bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms more room to be exact. We're mostly settled, but there are few projects that I really want to complete before our little guy gets here. 
So today, I'm taking a vow of organization. I'm going to go around each room and make a list of the things that I want to see happen to that room to make it feel more homey/organized. Some of these things will be stuff that can happen over time, like there's no rush to get it done. Other things will take top priority; in other words, nesting mama must get it done! This sounds like a reasonable way to become organized, but it also sounds daunting. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting organized?
I also have pictures of recent projects that need to be shared with you all. That's going on my to do list as well. All this and more will be done today.
Just as soon as I finish my coffee...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pregnancy 101

If anyone gives a hoot about my blog and is reading this post, I am giving you fair warning- I am about to unleash my feelings about being pregnant. However, since you all are such good sports I will make sure to end this semi rant fest with some really good news.
Let me preface by saying that so far over these past five months I have enjoyed seeing what seeing what God designed my body to do in order to grow a person. As I've read about and seen what is actually going on inside of me I am amazed at how intricate it all is, and to think that since I was being created in my mother's womb, I have always possessed the ability to "sustain life" (yes I did intend to make it sound like I'm a planet; I feel like one right now). It's very cool.
However, I cannot ignore the fact that growing a person is really, really hard work. Most days I'm just trying to make it until bedtime, even though I know I won't be getting much sleep. I have plenty of meltdowns (I'm not ashamed to admit it), but otherwise I just try to find the humor in the all the things that have transpired from being preggers. I figured since it's 5a.m. and I'm awake, I might as well share some of them...
Pregnancy 101:
- Morning sickness is the worst thing. Ever.
- If you have never had morning sickness, do not tell a pregnant person who is coping with it/ has had it. You might get hurt.
- Cravings are instinctual and cannot be denied. My husband can attest to this one.
- Being pregnant means you are going to feel really uncomfortable and not even know why. It's great.
- When people find out that you are pregnant sometimes they shut down their mental filter and say crazy and sometimes unkind things to you. ("Yes I do know that my butt is getting bigger...") When this happens, you will have an inexplicable desire to punch them in the face, but you will have to resist.
- You will fart a lot.
- Pregnancy Brain is the temporary version of Alzheimer's. You will feel very stupid, very often.
- Your baby bump is public property.
I had more but I can't remember them. Stupid Pregnancy Brain...
Okay, now time for the good news. We found out what the baby is! Besides being human, it's... (insert drum roll)
                                                                            A BOY!!!
Say hello to Tobias Edward Carlson. We call him Toby.
We can't wait to meet this little guy :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mundane Monday...

I'm temporarily diverting from my usual Munchie Monday for the more appropriate, Mundane Monday. It was just one of those days that felt sort of, ho hum. Being uncomfortably pregnant didn't help. 
On a not-so-mundane note, today was my awesome hubby's birthday!!! Derek, if you read this, I love you babe. You're the best husband I could have ever asked for. Thanks for being you and for everything you do to make me happy. 
We did all of our birthday festivities over the weekend with our families so tonight we kept things low key and I made one of Derek's favorite meals- homemade pizza and beer. Don't worry, it was fakers beer, the "no buzz" kind. My family gave Derek one of his favorite movies on Blue-Ray, "The Dark Knight" and so being the uber  cool wife that I am (or at least try to be) we watched that, including all the nifty special features that explain just how in the world they did that. Sadly, uncool wife part of me could not stay awake through the whole movie, and poor Derek had to enjoy the awesomeness all by himself. Hey, growing a person takes a lot out of me...
Speaking of growing a person, we find out on Thursday what the baby is- alien or human. Haha, just kidding. We'll be going in for our first sonogram to see if there is or isn't a "stem on the apple", if you know what I mean. Very exciting stuff.
I will leave you with a recent pic of my developing baby bump, at 20 weeks. This picture is actually a week old and believe it or not I'm actually just a tad bigger. 

Stay tuned for baby updates! Happy Monday everyone.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Munchie Mondays: Pico de Gallo Salad

I'm finally getting back into the habit of blogging, which means Munchie Mondays are back! Tonight I invented something quite awesome and I was so excited to share it.
Being pregnant means I need a lot of protein, which can be tough since I try to eat somewhat vegetarian. So I'm always experimenting with recipes to come up with non-animal flesh alternatives. On this particular Monday evening I concocted a Pico de Gallo salad. It was the bomb. Even my husband, who is an old fashioned meat and potatoes kind of guy, said it was great. Here's the recipe!

Pico de Gallo Salad:
4 Tomatoes 
1/2 Jalapeno Pepper
1/2 Red Onion
2 Cloves of fresh Garlic (or if you're like me and you don't have patience for fresh garlic, garlic powder to taste works too)
Lime Juice
Salt, Pepper
Dice tomatoes, onions, jalapeno, and toss in a bowl. Chop cilantro and add as much as you like. Add lime juice. Salt and pepper to taste.

Organic Spring Mix
Black Beans
Cheddar Cheese (optional)
Make a bed of the spring mix and sprinkle with black beans. Add however many chunks of avocado you like. Spoon the Pico de Gallo over salad bed and top off with cheddar cheese if you like.

Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Just One of Those Days...

Since I'm pretty much convinced that nobody reads my blog, I'm going to abuse my power and use the blog as a sort of "journal" today. Not that I'm complaining, or whining. Just sayin'. 
Today has just been one of those days. It's overcast and windy outside, and I got almost no sleep last night. Being pregnant does strange things to one's body, and if one is already an insomniac... well, you get the picture. 
So I awoke today knowing that I would be presented with the initial challenge of just trying to stay awake all day. Coffee helped a bit, and talking to my dear mommy added even more pep to my step. Then I went to work. (Que sinister laugh)
For those of you who have ever worked in food service for more than a week will understand me when I say that there are some days when you want to come home and cry. Not because you are upset at any particular person or event, just that crying might help get the madness of the day out of your system. That was my day. 
(Vent alert) I really think there should be laws about how many delivery and catering orders a restaurant can legally accept in a day. Also, please remember to tip your server next time you eat out, no matter how simple the service- that is how they pay their rent.
Okay, I feel a little better.
My one creative consolation is a little project I've been working on. A friend of mine is having a baby shower this weekend and in the spirit of industrial homemaking gifting I decided to make baby leg warmers for the soon-to-be-existent little one. I've already finished one, just a few more rows to knit on the second one. Let's see if I get these things finished by Saturday morning...
Thank you to whoever has stumbled upon my temporary emotional outlet. I promise I won't use my blog for this all the time.

Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm a Bad Blogger

Hello Bloggisphere! I'm so sorry I've been absent. I'm a bad blogger. But as part of the Thanksgiving resolution, I am going to try to get better. 
I do have a good excuse for my absence, though. I had started school and it was taking up oodles of my time. Then, about two weeks into the semester, Derek and I got a little surprise- I'm pregnant! It was a bit of a shock at first, and it took a while for us to adjust to the idea, but we are very excited about becoming parents. I'm now three months along and things are going well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was so amazing. Up until then I had sort of just been "pretending" that I was pregnant, but hearing the heartbeat and knowing that there really is a small person in there made things so much more real and exciting. 
I ended up putting school on the back-burner. I had been suffering from really nasty morning sickness for the first 12 weeks, and I kept missing classes and crunching to try to meet deadlines. God convicted me and I realized that it's not about me anymore. I was spending more time reading text books and no time reading about pregnancy and getting geared up for baby. Besides, school will always be available if I want to go back, and this way I will have more time to focus on exploring creative outlets I've been wanting to be better at. 
Anywhoo, now that things are less stressful, I have time to get back into blogging. I've got lots of great ideas for projects, artsy stuff, and recipes to test in the kitchen. So stay tuned everybody, Aria's back!