Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Green Smoothies, Big Belly's, and Changes...

I'm really tired today, so I apologize now if I ramble. Being 37 weeks pregnant will do that to a person. Can you believe it- 37 weeks!!! Baby Boy can come whenever he wants now. Crazy. But I'm really excited to meet this little guy, and very ready to not be pregnant anymore. Not that it's a horrible experience, it's just not easy either. I'm used to being a smallish person, so hurdling a big belly around is quite the paradigm shift. 
Oh, and to make things interesting, my midwife called yesterday to inform me that I tested positive for Group B Strep- great. It's not a terrible thing, but it does mean that I need do all that I can to try to clear it up before Baby makes his debut in order for us to have the home water birth we've been planning. So today, to start things off I downed an insane amount of pills and supplement, chased by what I'm calling the Mega Green Smoothie. Here's what I put in it:

The Mega Green Smoothie
Fresh juiced Kale, Spinach, and Green Apple
Frozen Fruit blend (strawberries, papaya, pineapple)
Spirulina Powder
Liquid Chlorophyll

it actually didn't taste that bad. Just very healthy. So if anyone reads this and thinks of it, please be praying that my next culture comes back negative, and that the baby doesn't decide to show up before that!
So, as we all know, I'm a horrible blogger. I never post, and I'm even worse at posting pictures. Boo. However, with the next phase of my life right around the corner, I'm considering starting a new blog, something that reflects the "new" me. So without further ado, I give you a sneak peak at The Urban Hippy MommaIt's still a work in progress, but I'm really excited about it. I think I might actually keep up with this blog. It'll be more in line with what my life will consist of: cooking, DIY-ing, health stuff, and my experience as a new momma.
Okay, time to do some laundry. Hope all is well with everyone. Hugs!