Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm a Bad Blogger

Hello Bloggisphere! I'm so sorry I've been absent. I'm a bad blogger. But as part of the Thanksgiving resolution, I am going to try to get better. 
I do have a good excuse for my absence, though. I had started school and it was taking up oodles of my time. Then, about two weeks into the semester, Derek and I got a little surprise- I'm pregnant! It was a bit of a shock at first, and it took a while for us to adjust to the idea, but we are very excited about becoming parents. I'm now three months along and things are going well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was so amazing. Up until then I had sort of just been "pretending" that I was pregnant, but hearing the heartbeat and knowing that there really is a small person in there made things so much more real and exciting. 
I ended up putting school on the back-burner. I had been suffering from really nasty morning sickness for the first 12 weeks, and I kept missing classes and crunching to try to meet deadlines. God convicted me and I realized that it's not about me anymore. I was spending more time reading text books and no time reading about pregnancy and getting geared up for baby. Besides, school will always be available if I want to go back, and this way I will have more time to focus on exploring creative outlets I've been wanting to be better at. 
Anywhoo, now that things are less stressful, I have time to get back into blogging. I've got lots of great ideas for projects, artsy stuff, and recipes to test in the kitchen. So stay tuned everybody, Aria's back!